2008-08-06 - Architecture Chat Tomorrow
Architecture chat tomorrow at 11:30am... I'm going to leave it fairly open for topics so all come along with something interesting to say ;o) ... or leave a comment on this post if you'd like to give me or anyone else a heads up on what you'd like to talk about.
Some things I'd personally be interested:
- Auckland recruitment environment.
- Must read books for both new and seasoned developers alike.
- Implementing code that can explain itself - for example security mechanisms able to explain (in English) why you do or do not have access, DSL's that give meaningful reasons for the decisions made, and how to flow those messages through the context of operations etc.
All are welcome - drop me an email if you're a new comer and we'll keep an eye out for you!
Information regarding the location and previous chat write-ups can be found here.
Written on August 6, 2008