2010-04-21 - Architecture Chat Tomorrow
Another chat tomorrow - Thursday 22nd April 2010 - 11:30am at Garrisons, Sylvia Park.
Some possible topics:
- VS2010 Release / Resharper 5 release etc.
- http://blogs.msdn.com/garretts/archive/2010/03/31/the-common-opensource-application-publishing-platform-coapp.aspx - sceptical and yet interesting.
- Twitters Graph database - http://github.com/twitter/flockdb
- "the most progressive .NET developers - even in today's ALT.NET community - are driven by a trepidation over a programming life without Visual Studio, and by association, ReSharper. [...] ReSharper-Driven Development" - http://blog.scottbellware.com/2010/04/ironruby-drops-does-it-make-sound.html
- http://aboutcode.net/articles/event-sourcing-infrastructure.htm
- Discussion of "current state of play" for Workflow modelling - especially user configurable ones. (e.g. a bug workflow)
- MonoMac...
- Gallio beta supporting VS2010 should be out later this week.
- A slightly more details CQRS (on .Net) example diagram.
- Plinq is now in the mono trunk. (good news for me, I no longer need to avoid making use of it ;o)
- Silverlight 4 released.
- F# 2.0 Released.
- BCL team on codeplex...
- Bricks... another stab at a .Net package manager (this time ruby inspired).
- Open source MS sponsored package management for windows.
- Chinook sample database...
- Geeky Azure server boxes.
The wave this week can be found here.
See you all tomorrow.
FYI - I'm planning to hold the North Shore Architecture Chat, Next Thursday, 28th April. I'll put a wave up for that some time soon.
Written on April 21, 2010