Architecture Chat Tomorrow (Thursday 1st July)
Architecture Chat tomorrow - Thursday 1st July at Garrisons,
Sylvia Park.
Starting at the usual time of 11:30 am.
Some possible topics for this week:
NDC2010 content.
- Apple hates left handed people - iPhone 4 antenna issues.
- Another non-sql option -
NetBeans 6.9 released.
- Android 3.0 "Gingerbread" - UI focus/refocus.
- NASA Jet Propulsion Lab talking about DSL's.
NPanday 1.2 released (.Net Integration for Apache Maven -
yes we can have Maven pain too :)
Atlassian Connector for Visual Studio 1.1 released.
- Clojure web framework Compojure 0.4 released.
- Keith's SeaTest c unit testing framework.
- Ayende's Challenge: Dynamically Dynamic.
Silverlight Pivot View now available.
Modelling Hierarchical structures in RavenDB (or most document databases).
SilverLight Event Throttling.
Introducing IIS Express.
Squealer - a ruby DSL for ETL-ing mongodb docs to
ORM Phase Shift - discussion about Doc databases + squealer
+ ORM's etc...
New Network design could make internet much faster
Hammett e-van recording - Comparing MEF with IOC
- Plus all the topics from last time (we didn't really cover any of them...)
The wave this week can be found here. If you want to raise topics for next time either
email them, start a wave, or post them on twitter with the
hashtag #ArchitectureChat.
There is also a wiki
(somewhat outdated) with additional details about the
Architecture chat, including location etc.
Also coming up:
- Wednesday 30th June - 6pm - AucklandSQL meeting - "What's
new in SQL Server 2008 R2"
- Next Thursday - 8th July - 11:30am - North Shore Architecture
Chat (Tentatively).
Written on June 30, 2010