Enterprise Architect Usergroup - Model driven development

Yesterday afternoon I  presented a quick 20 minute presentation to the Enterprise Architect
user group
- it was an interesting opportunity to talk with both an Enterprise Architect lead developer and analysts/BA's etc. who are using Enterprise Architect on a daily basis - there's nothing quite like doing something and then even more so presenting on what you've done to really firm up some conclusions / ideas around it (and as is often the case with me, spark 20 ideas for new products I could build to make it better/smarter).

For anyone who's interested here's the slide deck I presented - and also some links to things that were discussed:

Thanks to catch for hosting the group and providing the video conferencing facilities to link
Auckland / Wellington (small tip, if you are presenting to two groups be sure to sit at the end of the table looking towards the camera, or your spend your whole time ping-ponging your head towards one group and the other ;) - and also thanks to everyone who came along and listened.

Also of interest was the discussion after the presentation around providing a number of example/sample MDA transformations through Sparx Systems New Zealand site - which should mean that before the end of the year you will be seeing both guidance and examples on developing MDA transformations targeting NHibernate, NHibernate search, ActiveRecord, Monorail and RhinoSecurity starting to emerge (what I tend to loosely call the "Castle stack" for want of a better term.) - which I'll post about it as it starts to happen.

Written on August 15, 2008