2010-08-04 - Architecture Chat Tomorrow
The Architecture Chat is on tomorrow, 5th of August 2010,
11:30am, Sylvia Park, Auckland.
Some potential topics for discussion:
- Padrino - Interesting looking ruby web framework built on top of sinatra.rb
- Gerrit - Very interesting code review tool for Git hosted code - from Google. It's what they use for Code reviews on the Android code base. Example site up here - https://review.source.android.com/ CR on DVCS' is kinda tricky - this seems to solve things nicely.
- Apple Unveils New 27-inch LED Cinema Display - USD$999 - that's actually a good price for a hi res (not 1080p) IPS monitor. Also phasing out 24" and 30".
- Microsoft.Data released - and it's drawing criticism too.
- Package Management in .Net (Nu)
- ILMerge to the resuce?
- Figment - web DSL for F#
- HQL Language support in visual studio
- Visual Studio LightSwitch
- Akka
- Mirah programming language looks interesting.
- EAV, Document Databases and creating hybrid solutions (or migrating from one to another).
The wave this week can be found here. If you want to raise topics for next time either email them, start a wave, or post them on twitter with the hashtag #ArchitectureChat.
There is also a wiki (somewhat outdated) with additional details about the Architecture chat, including location etc.
Also coming up this month:
- Google bar camp - Saturday 21st August, 2010. People are still cancelling, so I believe slots are freeing up quite regularly.
- Auckland Code Camp - Sunday August 29th 2010. Shaping up to be a great event.
See you all tomorrow.