REST presentation tonight, Architecture Chat Tomorrow
Morning All.
I'm presenting on "REST with .Net" tonight at the Ellerslie .Net User Group.
More details can be found on the Ellerslie user group site.
I'll be (attempting) to cover:
- REST concepts
- RESTful WCF (webHttpBinding etc.)
- ADO.Net Data Services
- OAuth including implementing a RESTful API in Monorail leveraging OAuth.
I have a touch of the flu - so we might not make it through everything before I loose my voice :) but we'll give it a go... and I'm hoping to keep the REST & WCF section short - seeing as we had Ron Jacobs covering that last Friday at the Auckland connected systems user group.
And tomorrow we have the Architecture Chat at 11:30, the last chat was very quiet (just 3 of us, so I didn't bother writing it up) - hopefully this week will be a little more lively - if anyone has any topic suggestions then just send me an email or comment on this post...
See you all there!
Written on May 27, 2008